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Your Hourly COVID-19 News Feed - Drill Down by Source: All    BBC    Hacker News

Date Title
2021-01-25 Can Shocking Images Persuade Doubters of Covid’s Dangers?
2021-01-25 Merck to stop developing its two Covid-19 vaccines
2021-01-25 Fast-spreading Covid variant can elude immune responses
2021-01-25 Covid-19 warnings were on Twitter long before the outbreak of the pandemic
2021-01-25 Covid: Facebook suspends Israel PM Netanyahu's chatbot

The bot asked about people's Covid vaccination status, breaching a policy on private medical data.

2021-01-25 Covid vaccines - how will poor countries get them?

A scheme to distribute Covid-19 vaccines equitably is under way. Here's what you need to know.

2021-01-25 Covid: Dutch PM Mark Rutte condemns curfew riots as 'criminal violence'

Rioters attacked police and set fires to protest against a night-time curfew introduced on Saturday.

2021-01-25 Smart watches can detect symptoms of Covid-19
2021-01-25 CDC director: federal government does not know how much Covid vaccine the US has
2021-01-25 Covid-19: Mexican President López Obrador tests positive

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, 67, announces he is receiving medical treatment for the coronavirus.

2021-01-25 Covid-19: Top advisor warns France at 'emergency' virus moment

The head of France's scientific council suggests a third lockdown is needed amid spread of variants.

2021-01-25 Covid-19: Why the US hasn't hit vaccine targets so far

Biden says the vaccine rollout has been a failure, as he pledges 100 million shots in his first 100 days.

2021-01-25 Covid-19: Vaccine divides in the Middle East

Israel is vaccinating against Covid-19 faster than anywhere else, but most Palestinians are waiting.

2021-01-24 Covid: Police and protesters clash during Dutch curfew demo

Police used water cannon and tear gas to clear protesters in Eindhoven rallying against a new curfew.

2021-01-24 Covid-19’s Financial Toll Mounts as Homeowners Keep Postponing Mortgage Payments
2021-01-24 Quebec researchers say they have found an effective drug to fight Covid-19
2021-01-24 Covid: Israel vaccinates 16 to 18-year-olds ahead of exams

Israel has vaccinated more than a quarter of its population and now high school students are eligible.

2021-01-24 Godiva Chocolates to close all 128 North American stores due to Covid pandemic
2021-01-24 Czech trainers teach dogs to sniff out Covid: 95-percent success rate
2021-01-24 Covid-19: US tops 25 million coronavirus cases

President Joe Biden has warned things will "continue to get worse before they get better".

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