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Your Hourly COVID-19 News Feed - Drill Down by Source: All    BBC    Hacker News

Date Title
2021-01-06 South African Covid variant may impact vaccine efficacy, warn scientists
2021-01-06 South African Covid variant appears to ‘obviate’ antibody drugs
2021-01-06 Covid: WHO team investigating virus origins denied entry to China

Visas had not been cleared for team members already en route to probe the origins of the virus.

2021-01-06 How Eight Covid-19 Vaccines Work
2021-01-06 1 In 30 People in London infected with Covid-19 last week
2021-01-06 Covid-19 Attacks the Brain and May, in Severe Cases, Cause Lasting Damage
2021-01-05 Surveillance in the Name of Covid-19
2021-01-05 FDA Statement on Following the Authorized Dosing Schedules for Covid-19 Vaccines
2021-01-05 Covid travel: Why Instagram is still full of celebrities 'on holiday'

Despite rising infection rates and restrictions in the UK, some celebrities have continued to travel.

2021-01-05 Covid: LA ambulances told not to transport some patients to hospital

LA County is experiencing one of the worst US Covid outbreaks, with hospital supplies running low.

2021-01-05 Coronavirus: India to export Covid vaccines 'within weeks'

India, which makes most of the world's vaccines, will begin exporting Covid doses by the end of January.

2021-01-05 Singapore Covid tracing data available to police
2021-01-05 Singapore reveals Covid privacy data available to police

Reversing earlier assurances, officials say tracing data can be used for criminal investigations.

2021-01-05 Emergency Covid Stimulus Will Likely Reveal UFO Documents
2021-01-05 Covid: Japan's top sumo wrestler infected with coronavirus

Hakuho, the Mongolian-born grand champion, has tested positive for the virus.

2021-01-05 6,561 metal flowers: One man's Covid tribute

Geert van der Vossen, a Swedish artist, has created a floral tribute to the country's thousands of coronavirus patients.

2021-01-04 Singapore police can access Covid-19 contact tracing data
2021-01-04 Under pressure, UK government releases NHS Covid data deals with big tech
2021-01-04 Covaxin: Concern over 'rushed' approval for India Covid jab

The locally-produced Covaxin jab was approved on Sunday before completion of third stage trials.

2021-01-04 Sweden Covid crisis worsens after its anti-lockdown stance proven a failure
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