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Your Hourly COVID-19 News Feed - Drill Down by Source: All    BBC    Hacker News

Date Title
2020-11-12 Deutsche Bank proposes 5% tax for people still working from home after pandemic
2020-11-09 'worst of the pandemic' ahead in US with no apparent strategy, experts say
2020-11-08 People’s feelings during Coronavirus pandemic
2020-11-06 Yale faculty sign open letter condemning ‘inhumane’ treatment students pandemic
2020-11-06 Danish Covid-19 mink variant could spark new pandemic
2020-11-06 Covid: Ends of the earth love story that defied pandemic

Andrew is moving from Australia to join Rosanna in Torquay, nine years after they first met.

2020-11-04 Protecting land and animals will mitigate future pandemics, report says
2020-11-03 How will the pandemic impact software programming jobs?
2020-11-03 Judge limits Governor Newsom's powers during coronavirus pandemic
2020-10-30 Nearly 90k cases in a day: Pandemic skyrockets in third, highest peak yet
2020-10-30 The Pandemic Is in Uncharted Territory
2020-10-29 Bay Area could be worst hit by outward pandemic migration
2020-10-29 Cheaper to prevent pandemics than 'cure' them

Preventing pandemics could be more than 100 times cheaper than tackling their deadly effects.

2020-10-28 White House says Trump ended Covid-19 pandemic
2020-10-27 The Pandemic Turned My Parents into Day Traders
2020-10-26 'We're not going to control pandemic' admits Trump's chief of staff

Chief of Staff Mark Meadows says Covid can only be defeated through vaccines and other "mitigation areas".

2020-10-24 Permanently remote workers seen doubling in 2021 due to pandemic productivity
2020-10-04 'Why I’m not alone in missing hugs during the pandemic'

What does touch mean to us and how has the need for touch changed because of Covid-19?

2020-10-03 Covid: NME owner says pandemic impact wasn't all negative

Singaporean digital music company BandLab says it sees opportunities and challenges in the Covid-19 crisis.

2020-10-02 Coronavirus: How pandemic sparked European cycling revolution

Governments have invested millions on cycling during the pandemic. Here's what's changed.

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