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Your Hourly COVID-19 News Feed - Drill Down by Source: All    BBC    Hacker News

Date Title
2020-06-03 Hydroxychloroquine does not prevent Covid-19 infection if exposed, study says
2020-05-31 Scientists Question Validity of Major Hydroxychloroquine Study
2020-05-31 Scientists Question Validity of Major Hydroxychloroquine Study
2020-05-29 Vitamin D: the New Covid-19 Chloroquine?
2020-05-27 France, Italy, Belgium stop hydroxychloroquine use for Covid-19 on safety fears
2020-05-25 Hydroxychloroquine Update
2020-05-25 Coronavirus: WHO halts trials of hydroxychloroquine over safety fears

Testing of hydroxychloroquine as a possible coronavirus treatment is suspended by the health agency.

2020-05-22 Hydroxychloroquine linked to increase in Covid-19 deaths, heart risks
2020-05-22 Trump drug hydroxychloroquine raises death risk in Covid patients, study says

Coronavirus hospital patients given hydroxychloroquine were more likely to die, medical journal study says.

2020-05-22 Hydroxychloroquine Tied to Deaths, Heart Risk in Covid Study
2020-05-21 Coronavirus: Hydroxychloroquine trial begins in the UK

The study will test the drugs - one of which Donald Trump has said he is taking - against a placebo.

2020-05-18 Trump reveals that he is taking hydroxychloroquine in case he gets virus
2020-05-18 Coronavirus: Trump taking unproven drug hydroxychloroquine

The president says hydroxychloroquine is harmless, but regulators warn it may cause heart problems.

2020-05-15 Coronavirus and chloroquine: Is there evidence it works?

A former top US health official has raised concerns about anti-malarial drugs and the coronavirus response.

2020-05-10 Preliminary evidence from a China multicenter observational chloroquine study
2020-05-06 Hydroxychloroquine Associated with an Increase of Survival in Covid-19 Patients
2020-05-05 Pseudo-Science Behind the Assault on Hydroxychloroquine
2020-05-01 Hydroxychloroquine associated with less mortality in critical Covid-19 patients
2020-04-25 Brazilian chloroquine study halt after high dose proved lethal for some patients
2020-04-23 2005 CDC:“Chloroquine a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection spread”
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