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Your Hourly COVID-19 News Feed - Drill Down by Source: All    BBC    Hacker News

Date Title
2020-05-15 Coronavirus and chloroquine: Is there evidence it works?

A former top US health official has raised concerns about anti-malarial drugs and the coronavirus response.

2020-05-15 The Richest Neighborhoods Emptied Out Most as Coronavirus Hit New York City
2020-05-15 Cycling to Redefine Urban Mobility in the Era of Coronavirus
2020-05-15 As France reopens, just 4.4% of population infected by coronavirus
2020-05-15 Coronavirus pushes German economy into recession

The economy shrank 2.2% in the first three months of 2020 as the pandemic took its toll on activity.

2020-05-15 Coronavirus: Surrogate babies stranded in Ukraine

Babies born to surrogate mothers are stuck in Ukraine due to coronavirus lockdown measures.

2020-05-15 Coronavirus: Baltic states open a pandemic 'travel bubble'

Residents of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania can now travel freely between the three nations.

2020-05-15 Mexico at 'peak moment' of coronavirus crisis after biggest daily rise in cases

The country records its largest one-day rise in cases of the virus so far.

2020-05-15 San Diego Supervisor Says Only 6 of 194 Recorded Deaths ‘Pure’Coronavirus Deaths
2020-05-15 Coronavirus: How 'overreaction' made Vietnam a virus success

Vietnam chose to prevent rather than fight Covid-19, a strategy which means it has had no virus deaths.

2020-05-15 Coronavirus: WTO head steps down a year early as downturn looms

Roberto Azevedo's exit comes as global trade is expected to slump to historic lows amid the pandemic.

2020-05-15 10-4: How to Reopen the Economy by Exploiting the Coronavirus’s Weak Spot
2020-05-14 Coronavirus: Is Putin rushing Russia out of lockdown?

The Russian president has declared a six-week lockdown over but the infection rate is still very high.

2020-05-14 Coronavirus: Ousted US vaccine chief's stark warnings

Congress hears doomladen testimony on the pandemic from former US vaccines supremo Dr Rick Bright.

2020-05-14 Coronavirus: Amsterdam trials 'Covid-safe' restaurant

Dutch restaurants are currently closed but a trial is under way to see how they could operate safely.

2020-05-14 Coronavirus: Surge in deaths reported in southern Yemen

There are reports of a huge rise in people dying with coronavirus-like symptoms in the city of Aden.

2020-05-14 Coronavirus: Two Rohingya test positive in refugee camp

Aid agencies warn of the impact on the camp in Bangladesh, home to around one million Rohingya.

2020-05-14 Coronavirus: Are states reopening ahead of White House guidelines?

There is concern some states are relaxing restrictions prematurely. Are the guidelines being followed?

2020-05-14 Coronavirus: Can China test all of Wuhan in only 10 days?

Officials vowed to test all 11 million Wuhan residents in 10 days, but it appears they need longer.

2020-05-14 Coronavirus: How exposed is your job?

See how your job compares to others in terms of exposure to disease and closeness to other people.

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