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Your Hourly COVID-19 News Feed - Drill Down by Source: All    BBC    Hacker News

Date Title
2020-07-17 Covid-19 is causing a wide range of disorders in the nervous system
2020-07-17 Coronavirus: India's Covid-19 cases surge past one million

After the US and Brazil, India is only the third country to record such a high tally.

2020-07-17 Zindzi Mandela's family praised for revealing she had Covid-19

President Cyril Ramaphosa says revealing Zindzi Mandela had the virus would encourage acceptance.

2020-07-17 Common FDA-approved drug may effectively neutralize virus that causes Covid-19
2020-07-17 Varavara Rao: Outrage as jailed Indian poet contracts Covid

Varavara Rao is a Maoist ideologue and poet who has espoused radical thinking and revolutionary ideas.

2020-07-16 EU leaders meet in push for Covid recovery deal

Hopes of reaching an agreement are not high, but some countries say they need urgent funding.

2020-07-16 India coronavirus: Delhi breathes again as Covid-19 cases dip

India's capital lost control of the pandemic but now cases are plummeting. Can we trust the data?

2020-07-16 Coronavirus: Russian hackers target Covid-19 vaccine research
2020-07-16 APT29 targets Covid-19 vaccine development
2020-07-16 Spanish king leads memorial to victims of Covid-19

Tributes were paid to the victims of the pandemic outside the Royal Palace in Madrid.

2020-07-16 Ventura County sees increase in number of positive Covid cases among farmworkers
2020-07-15 Covid-19 not driving excess deaths anymore
2020-07-15 Robust T-cell immunity in convalescent persons with asymptomatic or mild COVID19 [pdf]
2020-07-15 Smokers quit in record numbers amid Covid fears
2020-07-15 Severe Covid-19 patients have unique phenotype
2020-07-15 SARS-CoV-2-specific immunity in Covid-19 and SARS cases, and uninfected controls
2020-07-15 Apparent absence of covid transmission at hair salon with face covering policy
2020-07-15 Existing drug may downgrade Covid threat to common cold level – Jerusalem study
2020-07-15 UK Gov awards billions in suspect Covid emergency contracts
2020-07-15 White House orders hospitals to bypass CDC during Covid-19 data collection
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