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Your Hourly COVID-19 News Feed - Drill Down by Source: All    BBC    Hacker News

Date Title
2020-07-14 Moderna says COVID vaccine trial produced robust immune response in all patients
2020-07-14 Italian Doctors: Effects of Covid-19 could be worse than first thought
2020-07-14 White House tells hospitals to bypass CDC on Covid-19 data reporting
2020-07-14 Skyscanner to cut 20% of jobs, close two offices due to Covid
2020-07-14 NYC Has Its First Day in Months with No Covid-19 Deaths
2020-07-13 Widespread mask wearing could prevent second waves of COVID-19, study says
2020-07-13 Obesity, walking pace and risk of severe Covid-19 [pdf]
2020-07-13 Coronavirus: How did Florida get so badly hit by Covid-19?

Florida is becoming the new US epicentre - but what's behind the rising case counts?

2020-07-13 My patient caught Covid-19 twice. So long to herd immunity hopes
2020-07-13 Coronavirus: Nations heading in wrong direction with Covid-19, says WHO

Mixed messages from leaders are undermining public trust in the virus response, warns the WHO chief.

2020-07-13 Immunity to Covid-19 could be lost in months, UK study suggests
2020-07-13 Signs of Covid infection may be hidden in speech signals
2020-07-13 Swiss immunologist: Covid fears misplaced
2020-07-13 COVID-19 Cases Are Rising, So Why Are Deaths Flatlining?
2020-07-13 Covid-19 in schoolchildren – A comparison between Finland and Sweden [pdf]
2020-07-12 Coronavirus: South Africa bans alcohol sales again to combat Covid-19

It is one of several restrictions introduced by President Ramaphosa amid rising infection rates.

2020-07-12 India's growing Covid-19 waste challenges workers

Millions are using gloves and masks but safely discarding them is proving to be challenge.

2020-07-12 Women's Roller Derby Has a Plan for Covid, and It Kicks Ass
2020-07-11 Bill Gates says Covid-19 drugs should go where needed, not ‘the highest bidder’
2020-07-11 Walt Disney World reopens in Florida amid Covid-19 surge

Visitors are required to wear masks, socially distance and have temperature checks on arrival.

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