Help Please! We could use an editor or editors to catch things that aren't COVID related and help train our machine learning model to reject the errors in our current matching. Email fuzzygroup @ if you're interested.

Your Hourly COVID-19 News Feed - Drill Down by Source: All    BBC    Hacker News

Date Title
2020-05-02 A free tool to plan deliveries during the Covid-19 pandemic
2020-05-01 US germ warfare lab creates test for pre-infectious Covid-19 carriers
2020-05-01 Three traditional Chinese medicines officially approved for Covid-19 in China
2020-05-01 Covid-19 Futures, Explained with Playable Simulations
2020-05-01 Hydroxychloroquine associated with less mortality in critical Covid-19 patients
2020-05-01 At a time when leadership is rare, Bill Gates stands tall on Covid-19
2020-05-01 Comparing Covid-19 Deaths to Flu Deaths Is Like Comparing Apples to Oranges
2020-05-01 S Korea says recovered Covid-19 patients who retested positive didn't relapse
2020-05-01 Me on Covid-19 contact tracing apps
2020-05-01 Covid-19 Deaths Are Being Linked to Vitamin D Deficiency. Here's What That Means
2020-05-01 Show HN: High quality COVID19 clinical dataset (symptoms/lab results/xrays etc.)
2020-05-01 Covid-19 and the oil market collapse have devastated Asian recycling business
2020-05-01 Imperial College Covid model code released
2020-04-30 Prioritizing users in a crisis: Building the California Covid-19 response site
2020-04-30 Covid-19 was not manmade or genetically modified (Intelligence Community)
2020-04-30 What you need to know about the Covid-19 vaccine (B. Gates)
2020-04-30 Estimation of excess suicides due to Covid-19 lockdowns
2020-04-30 CDC data suggests COVID-19 deaths much higher than reported
2020-04-29 NIH Clinical Trial Shows Remdesivir Accelerates Recovery from Advanced Covid-19
2020-04-29 COVIDSafe (Australia) App Teardown
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