Help Please! We could use an editor or editors to catch things that aren't COVID related and help train our machine learning model to reject the errors in our current matching. Email fuzzygroup @ if you're interested.

Your Hourly COVID-19 News Feed - Drill Down by Source: All    BBC    Hacker News

Date Title
2020-06-23 What Comes After Zoom?
2020-06-22 Covid-19 is threatening the survival of US primary care
2020-06-22 Trump will sign an order suspending work visas (including H-1B)
2020-06-22 E/O: Suspending Entry of Aliens Presenting a Risk to the U.S. Labor Market
2020-06-22 Trump admin to extend and expand immigration restrictions
2020-06-22 Trump to Sign Executive Order Suspending Many Foreign Work Visas
2020-06-22 The Pandemic Sent Settlers of Catan and Other Game Makers Scrambling
2020-06-22 People have stopped going to the doctor and most seem fine
2020-06-22 The UK’s contact tracing app fiasco is a master class in mismanagement
2020-06-22 Everything you need to know about how a coronavirus vaccine might work
2020-06-22 Fix Your Indoor Air
2020-06-21 Cory Doctorow on the Politicalization of Fandoms
2020-06-21 Research team cracks the cause of fatal corona blood clots
2020-06-21 ‘A Year's Worth of Suicide Attempts in Four Weeks’: The Unintended Consequences
2020-06-21 How to Clean and Disinfect Yourself, Your Home, and Your Stuff
2020-06-21 Coronavirus protective immunity is short-lasting [pdf]
2020-06-21 Country of 97M kept its coronavirus death toll at zero
2020-06-21 Amazon Web Services open-sources biological knowledge graph to fight Covid-19
2020-06-20 Urban Living Might Just Survive Coronavirus
2020-06-20 Immunity to Covid-19 may wane just 2-3 months after infection, study suggests
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