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Your Hourly COVID-19 News Feed - Drill Down by Source: All    BBC    Hacker News

Date Title
2020-12-23 Congress Covid relief cramed in controversial changes to copyright
2020-12-23 Covid vaccine 'highly likely' to work on UK variant, BioNTech says
2020-12-23 Covid-19: First trucks start leaving Kent lorry park after France reopens UK border

It comes as drivers clash with police as they wait for tests, despite France reopening its UK border.

2020-12-23 My Covid update: day 44 of symptoms
2020-12-23 Covid: France rewards frontline immigrant workers with citizenship

Immigrants naturalised for services during the pandemic include cleaners and shop workers.

2020-12-23 10 years in prison for illegal streaming? It's in the Covid-19 relief bill
2020-12-23 Joe Biden: 'Darkest days in the battle against Covid are ahead'

President-elect Biden urges Americans to remain vigilant and prepare for tens of thousands more deaths.

2020-12-23 Covid-19: The Philippines and its lockdown baby boom

The Philippines is preparing for a surge in births which will overwhelm its already creaking systems.

2020-12-23 Covid-19: 'Losing Christmas is irreparable damage'

Foppolo ski resort in the Italian Alps is shut and will miss the all-important Christmas ski season.

2020-12-22 The Great Covid Class War
2020-12-22 Covid-19 Deaths to Reverse U.S. Life-Expectancy Gains
2020-12-22 Antarctica no longer Covid free: 36 research base members test positive
2020-12-22 Covid: Fauci hopes receiving vaccine will encourage others

The top US infectious diseases official spoke to the BBC ahead of his first shot of vaccine.

2020-12-22 Covid: Vatican says coronavirus vaccines 'morally acceptable'

The Catholic Church says vaccines developed using cell lines derived from aborted foetuses can be used.

2020-12-22 Covid bill proposes up to 10 years in prison for “unauthorized streaming”
2020-12-22 Sydney Covid cases drop amid record testing

Australia's largest city has recorded its fewest number of new coronavirus cases in several days.

2020-12-22 A full blood count of Covid-19 patients could predict disease severity
2020-12-22 The Covid-19 Stimulus Bill Would Make Livestreams with Music a Felony
2020-12-22 Crispr-Based Covid-19 Tests Are Coming
2020-12-22 Covid: Thanksgiving the cause of a spike in US infections?

Family reunions over the holiday period brought people together, but did they spread coronavirus?

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