Help Please! We could use an editor or editors to catch things that aren't COVID related and help train our machine learning model to reject the errors in our current matching. Email fuzzygroup @ if you're interested.

Your Hourly COVID-19 News Feed - Drill Down by Source: All    BBC    Hacker News

Date Title
2021-02-18 Over 140K virus species identified in human gut, 50% never seen before
2021-02-18 BioNTech/Pfizer sought 54.08 Euro per vaccine dose from EU (de)
2021-02-18 Haplotype linked with lower incidence of severe Covid inherited from Neandertals
2021-02-18 COVID Tracking Project is shutting down
2021-02-18 Male balding is a major risk factor for severe Covid-19
2021-02-17 QCovid: Personal Covid-19 risk calculator developed by Oxford University
2021-02-17 World’s first coronavirus human challenge study gets green light in UK
2021-02-17 Two variants have merged into heavily mutated coronavirus
2021-02-17 Twitter blocks people who try to fight the spread of COVID19 misinformation
2021-02-17 Mexico Blames U.S. as Energy Crisis Spills Across the Border
2021-02-17 Covid-19: World's first human trials given green light in UK
2021-02-17 Covid/Vitamin D: Much More Than You Wanted to Know
2021-02-16 India’s dramatic fall in virus cases leaves experts stumped
2021-02-16 The Pandemic Pushed This Farmer into Deep Poverty. Then Something Happened
2021-02-16 Fauci wins $1M Israeli prize for ‘defending science’
2021-02-16 All about thread-local storage
2021-02-16 Playing virtual hooky permanently (School Zoom calls)
2021-02-15 California’s affordable housing problem is really a national one
2021-02-15 WHO Wuhan mission finds possible signs of wider original outbreak in 2019
2021-02-15 Solving Covid easy compared with climate
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