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Your Hourly COVID-19 News Feed - Drill Down by Source: All    BBC    Hacker News

Date Title
2020-10-27 Covid: Antibodies 'fall rapidly after infection'
2020-10-26 Covid: Belgian doctors with coronavirus asked to keep working
2020-10-26 Stock markets slide as Covid-19 cases rise

The Dow falls as much as 3.3% before ending down 2.3% - its sharpest decline in weeks.

2020-10-26 Why Nigerian looters are targeting Covid-19 aid

Raids on warehouses and businesses continue in the wake of anti-police brutality protests.

2020-10-26 Covid: Melbourne's hard-won success after a marathon lockdown

After losing its initial grip on Covid, Australia is again being hailed as a global success story.

2020-10-26 Covid-19: How the Czech Republic's response went wrong

Praised for its initial response to the pandemic, the Czech Republic is now preparing for the worst.

2020-10-26 Oxford Covid-19 vaccine prompts immune response among adults old and young
2020-10-26 Covid: Italy brings in sweeping new coronavirus measures

Gyms, pools, cinemas and theatres are closed, while restaurants and bars cut short their table service.

2020-10-26 Covid study finds remdesivir doesn’t work–FDA grants approval anyway
2020-10-26 Covid-19: China tests entire city of Kashgar in Xinjiang

Kashgar city officials say around 4.7m people will be tested over a few days.

2020-10-26 Covid-19: US pulls plan to give early vaccine to Santa Claus

Santa, Mrs Claus and elves all would have received early access in exchange for promoting vaccinations.

2020-10-25 Covid in Australia: Victoria sees first day without a case since June

The state had seen daily infections since June, forcing Melbourne into a marathon lockdown.

2020-10-25 Coronavirus: Berlin breaks up 600-strong party over Covid

Police said the venue was too small for distancing, as the virus takes a toll on German festivities.

2020-10-25 Covid: Spain imposes national night-time curfew to curb infections

As well as a night-time curfew, travel between regions can be banned under the emergency measures.

2020-10-25 US election 2020: Pence stays campaigning despite aide's Covid diagnosis

The US vice-president has tested negative himself and says he will not self-isolate.

2020-10-25 Dr Fauci: Covid vaccine could come by end of 2020

The US government scientist says we should know if a vaccine is "safe and effective" by December.

2020-10-24 Dussehra: Covid-19 forces grand Hindu festival to go online

The pandemic has interrupted a centuries-old Indian tradition, the yearly performance of an ancient Hindu epic.

2020-10-24 Socially-distanced Sesame Street calms children's Covid fears

The Middle East's version of Sesame street 'Ahlam Simsim' hopes Muppets will help calm children's fears about coronavirus.

2020-10-24 Covid-19: Poland President Duda tests positive for virus

Andrzej Duda, 48, contracts coronavirus as his country hits a daily record of new cases.

2020-10-23 Covid blood plasma donation: What is blood plasma?

The NHS wants us to donate blood plasma to help fight Covid-19. But why?

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