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Your Hourly COVID-19 News Feed - Drill Down by Source: All    BBC    Hacker News

Date Title
2020-11-04 Some Covid Survivors Have Antibodies That Attack the Body, Not Virus
2020-11-03 Are Indians more immune to Covid-19?
2020-11-03 Covid-19 is killing my people – And no one seems to care
2020-11-03 Coronavirus: Behind the scenes of developing a Covid-19 vaccine

Meet the scientists who use social media to show people what they do to develop a coronavirus vaccine in the lab.

2020-11-02 Will Covid-19 Turn Las Vegas into Reno or Virginia City?
2020-11-02 Amulets may prevent Covid-19, says a paper in Elsevier journal. (They don’t.)
2020-11-02 In pictures: Day of the Dead in Covid times

With public events cancelled amid the pandemic, Mexico's Day of the Dead is low-key but poignant.

2020-11-02 As Europe's governments lose control of Covid, revolt is in the air
2020-11-02 Machu Picchu reopens after eight-month Covid closure

The Peruvian authorities put on an ancient Incan ritual to reopen the Unesco World Heritage site.

2020-11-01 Doctors Begin to Crack Covid’s Mysterious Long-Term Effects
2020-11-01 Covid: White House accuses top scientist Fauci of 'playing politics'

Infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci is accused of playing politics in an interview about coronavirus.

2020-11-01 Covid job losses lead MPs to call for trials of universal basic income
2020-11-01 Zuckerberg: Apple's ad-tracking block will impair Covid-19 economic recovery
2020-11-01 Charlie Hebdo trial suspended as suspect catches Covid-19

The trial of the 2015 Charlie Hebdo attack is suspended after the main suspect catches the virus.

2020-11-01 Covid: New breath test could detect virus in seconds

Scientists say early trials of a new test offers the possibility of "rapid" Covid-19 results.

2020-11-01 Australia records zero Covid-19 cases for first time in five months

Locally-transmitted cases have dropped to zero and one state is hopeful for a "normal Christmas".

2020-11-01 Stanford paper on Covid-19 spread from large Trump rallies [pdf]
2020-10-31 Covid-19: Austria and Portugal announce restrictions

A number of European countries are enforcing new measures as cases continue to rise.

2020-10-31 Covid-19 Can Spread Among Ill-Equipped Nursing Homes That Share Employees
2020-10-31 “Not just a virus that kills people”–WHO spotlights long-term Covid-19
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