Help Please! We could use an editor or editors to catch things that aren't COVID related and help train our machine learning model to reject the errors in our current matching. Email fuzzygroup @ if you're interested.

Your Hourly COVID-19 News Feed - Drill Down by Source: All    BBC    Hacker News

Date Title
2020-07-15 Austin Was Destined to Replace Silicon Valley. Then the Pandemic Hit
2020-07-15 American Airlines to Furlough 25,000 Employees
2020-07-15 Fauci: ‘Bizarre’ White House Behavior Only Hurts the President
2020-07-15 Robust T-cell immunity in convalescent persons with asymptomatic or mild COVID19 [pdf]
2020-07-15 It’s not clear what the government got from $100M McKinsey advising
2020-07-15 Smokers quit in record numbers amid Covid fears
2020-07-15 America Should Prepare for a Double Pandemic
2020-07-15 UC San Francisco Study Find Masks Do Protect Wearer from Contracting Coronavirus
2020-07-15 Severe Covid-19 patients have unique phenotype
2020-07-15 After Quarantine, 28% of People Report Feeling Overwhelmed by Driving
2020-07-15 SARS-CoV-2-specific immunity in Covid-19 and SARS cases, and uninfected controls
2020-07-15 The coronavirus pandemic has changed our sleep
2020-07-15 I’m the President of MIT America Needs Foreign Students
2020-07-15 Apparent absence of covid transmission at hair salon with face covering policy
2020-07-15 Walmart will start requiring all customers to wear masks
2020-07-15 Moderna’s SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Phase I Data
2020-07-15 Existing drug may downgrade Covid threat to common cold level – Jerusalem study
2020-07-15 UK Gov awards billions in suspect Covid emergency contracts
2020-07-15 Trump Administration Strips CDC of Control of Coronavirus Data
2020-07-15 White House orders hospitals to bypass CDC during Covid-19 data collection
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