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Your Hourly COVID-19 News Feed - Drill Down by Source: All    BBC    Hacker News

Date Title
2020-05-27 Trump and Biden trade barbs over wearing a mask

President Trump and his likely presidential challenger Joe Biden clash over the humble face covering.

2020-05-27 Coronavirus: What attacks on Asians reveal about American identity

Covid-inspired attacks on East Asian people in the US reveal uncomfortable truths about American identity

2020-05-27 Larry Kramer: Playwright and Aids activist dies at 84

The author of The Normal Heart was a key and confrontational figure during the 1980s Aids crisis.

2020-05-27 Coronavirus: Rugby league returns to Australia despite Covid-19 fears

The 2020 National Rugby League season is resuming, with post-lockdown safety measures.

2020-05-27 Coronavirus: Rocky path ahead for European Commission

President Ursula von der Leyen has laid out the recovery package - now she needs nations to back it.

2020-05-27 Coronavirus: Cyprus to pay holiday costs of infected tourists

The government will cover anyone who tests positive while on holiday on the Mediterranean island.

2020-05-27 Mount Everest: Chinese team summit during pandemic

The team are the only climbers to summit this season, and are re-measuring the height.

2020-05-27 Coronavirus: EU announces €750bn recovery package

A giant fund worth €750bn (£670bn; $825bn) is proposed, some of it raised on capital markets.

2020-05-27 Roma director makes plea for housekeepers

He says domestic workers laid off during the Covid-19 pandemic should continue to receive pay.

2020-05-27 Tests vital for Africa's fight against coronavirus

Early successes have been hailed by some but governments must start getting more data, reports Anne Soy.

2020-05-27 Coronavirus: Lebanon's woes worsen as country pushed to the brink

Country was already rocked by unrest over the cost of living - then came coronavirus.

2020-05-27 Record drop in energy investment, warns IEA think-tank

The pandemic has caused a record fall in energy investment and will likely lead to more pollution.

2020-05-27 Coronavirus: Why Merkel may help fund Europe's recovery plan

Germany’s leader has agreed to shoulder some of the burden, but four "frugal" EU states are unhappy.

2020-05-27 Mumbai: How Covid-19 has ravaged India's richest city

With nearly 30,000 cases, Mumbai accounts for more than a fifth of India's coronavirus infections.

2020-05-27 Coronavirus: The human cost of virus misinformation

A BBC team tracking coronavirus misinformation has found links to assaults, arsons and deaths - and the potential for even greater indirect harm.

2020-05-26 Denmark embraces live music drive-ins

Mads Langer performs a drive-in concert for music fans in Copenhagen while social distancing.

2020-05-26 Coronavirus: France announces €8bn rescue plan for car industry

President Emmanuel Macron wants France to become the top producer of clean vehicles in Europe.

2020-05-26 'Deeply disturbing' report into Ontario care homes released

A Canadian armed forces report documented cases of insect infestation, force feeding, and neglect.

2020-05-26 Coronavirus: Denmark opens borders to divided lovers

Boyfriends and girlfriends living in Germany and the Nordic countries can visit partners in Denmark.

2020-05-26 Coronavirus: German Ikea car park used for mass Eid prayer

Muslims brought prayer mats and face masks to a huge car park for socially-distanced prayers.

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